Publications & Interviews:
ND Awards 2018
2nd Place - Book
Tifa 2018
Bronze - Mifa 2018
Honorable Mention - IPA 2018
Honorable Mention - ND Awards 2017
Honorable Mention
Mifa 2016 (Moscow International Awards)
Honorable Mention
PX3 (Prix De La Photographie Paris)
Honorable Mention ND Awards 2016
Honorable Mention - ND Awards 2016
Honorable Mention
Monochrome Photography Awards 2016
Professional Nominee
Fine Art Photography Awards 2015
Professional Nominee
Fine Art Photography Awards 2014
Honorable Mention
Monochrome Photography Awards 2014
Imago Dignitatis
Palazzo dei Sette, Orvieto
2022.04.09 - 2022.04.19

Ultrablu, Rome
2022.04.02 - 2022.04.08

Collective Photo Exhibition, 'La Mercerie' gallery Arles
Curated by TAG
2021.07.09 - 2021.07.11

Collective Photo Exhibition curated by Luciano Corvaglia
Tevere Art Gallery, Rome
2019.02.23 - 2019.02.27

TIFA Exhibition
Shibuya Cultural Center, Tokio - 2019.02.20 - 2019.02.24

'Mois De La Photo' - Grenoble, France
2018.10.31 - 2018.11.25

Trésors d’un monastère
Convento dei Domenicani, Muro Leccese, Italy
2018.08.13 - 2018.08-27 by Laviolette Gallery

Cobra Art - Amsterdam 2018.07.24 - 2018.08.12
by Cobra Art Gallery e Yannick De Laviolette

Les Rencontres d'Arles - Arles. 2018.07.2 - 2018.07.14
by Laviolette Gallery

AUP Fine Art Gallery, Paris. 2018.06.7 - 2018.06.30
Contradictions Photographiques by Laviolette Gallery

Galerie The Lab, Paris. 2018.03.19 - 2018.03.25
Un passo verso la bellezza by Laviolette Gallery

Galerie De La Cle, Paris. 2017.11.30 - 2017.12.03
A Dreaming Christmas by Laviolette Gallery

Mamo Temporary Gallery
2017.07.02 - 2017.07.03 Arles (France)

Collective photo exhibition curated by Luciano Corvaglia
2016.06.30 - 2016.07.05 TAG Rome

"Entranable Trasparencia"
2016.01.15 - 2016.01.15 Gazometro 38 Rome

"L'Immagine Del Jazz"
2014.10.20 - 2014.10.26 Mondrian Suite Rome

D La Repubblica

Edge of Humanity

DEAR Magazin: Architektur & Wahrheit

The Post Internazionale : All That Remains
Bamboo: Antonino Cardillo's portrait